Manage Email Templates

You can edit the email that is sent to learners when they are invited to take an online assessment. 

Add Variables to your Email

Variables are a way to add dynamic content to your emails. These are placeholders that will populate with specific information when the email is sent to a learner. 

You can insert a variable using the 'Insert a Variable' drop-down menu. To remove a variable use the Backspace button on your keyboard.

You have the following variable options:

  • Learner First Name. This will insert the learner's first name.
  • Learner Last Name. This will insert the learner's last name.
  • Quiz Link (Clickable). This will insert the text 'Link to Quiz' into the email. The 'Link to Quiz' text will link to the learner's custom invitation link. Please note: This is not available in the Subject Line.
  • Quiz Link (Plain Text). This will insert the plain version of the learner's custom invitation link into the email - this allows them to copy and paste it into their browser if they need to. 
  • Company Name. This inserts the Company Name that is set in your Manage System Settings page
  • Learner Correspondence Name. This inserts the Learner Correspondence Name that is set in your Manage System Settings page.
  • Learner Correspondence Phone. This inserts the Learner Correspondence Phone that is set in your Manage System Settings page
  • Learner Correspondence Email. This inserts the Learner Correspondence Email that is set in your Manage System Settings page

Preview the Email

You can preview the email by clicking the 'Preview' button. This will show the design that will be sent to your learners. It will also populate any variables you have in your template with either example data.


Click the 'Save' button to save any changes you have made to the email.

Switch Between Email Templates

There are six email templates available for you to edit:

  • ACSF Learner Invite
  • VSL Learner Invite
  • Quiz Reminder
  • Course Ready Invite
  • Course Ready Reminder
  • ACSF + Course Ready Learner Invite

The ACSF Learner Invite is used when inviting learners to the ACSF 3 Short Course, ACSF 3 or ACSF 4 Online LLN Quiz.

The VSL Learner Invite is used when inviting learners to the VET Student Loan Online Test.

The Course Ready Invite is used when inviting learners to the Course Ready digital learning readiness questionnaire.

The Reminder emails (Quiz Reminder, Course Ready Reminder) are automated reminders that can be sent to any learners who have been issued an invitation but haven't yet completed the quiz/questionnaire.

The ACSF + Course Ready Learner Invite is used when inviting learners to an ACSF or VSL quiz AND Course Ready digital learning readiness questionnaire.

To choose the email you want to edit click the drop-down menu in the top right-hand corner of the 'Edit Email Content' panel. 

Reset to Default

This will reset the email content to the default template. This allows you to start over if you make any changes that you're not happy with.

Please note: The Manage Email Templates function does not work consistently when using an outdated browser such as Internet Explorer 11. Using one of our supported browsers to access the LLN Robot System is strongly recommended. 

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