Generate an LLN Report
After a learner has completed the online LLN Quiz their results will be stored in the LLN Robot System. These results give an indication of the learner’s current ACSF Core Skill Levels.
A Course Profile outlines the ACSF Core Skill Level requirements a learner will be expected to be at upon completion of their training.
Any deficiency between a learner’s results and the Course Profile they are being compared against is known as their Skills Gap.
Knowing this Skills Gap allows the LLN Robot System to produce a customised training supplement program for each learner.
This page outlines the process for generating an LLN Report for one or multiple learners.
Step 1
Select the learner/s that you want to include in the LLN Report. The selection column allows you to select one or multiple learners. To select all of the learners you can click the checkbox at the top of the column.
As you select learners a counter will appear in the results header. A Clear Selection button will also appear as shown in Figure 1 below.
Step 2
When you have all of the required learners selected click the Export LLN Report button.
Step 3
Select the course that you would like to compare the selected learners with. Then click the Export LLN Report button. The pdf document will download to the location set on your computer. An email with a link to the LLN Report will also be sent to the email account used to log into the LLN Robot system.