Resources - Associated Documents
The LLN Robot system includes a range of Resources for your use including:
- LLN Quiz Mapping (ACSF) - Mapping matrix demonstrating how the quiz is aligned to the ACSF.
- Training Supplement Mapping - Mapping matrix demonstrating how the training supplements are aligned to the ACSF.
- Training Supplement Model Answers - Model answers to assist in marking the activities in the training supplements.
- Numeracy Skills Revision Sheets - Additional activities focusing on numeracy skills.
- ASQA Implementation Information - Information outlining how the organisation can implement and administer the LLN Robot and testing systems.
- Training Supplement Learning (Level 2) - Workbook covering Learning skills at ACSF level 2.
- Training Supplement Reading & Writing (Level 2) - Workbook covering Reading & Writing skills at ACSF level 2.
- Training Supplement Reading & Writing (Level 3) - Workbook covering Reading & Writing skills at ACSF level 3.
- Training Supplement Numeracy (Level 2) - Workbook covering Numeracy skills at ACSF level 2.
- Training Supplement Numeracy (Level 3) - Workbook covering Numeracy skills at ACSF level 3.
- VET Student Loan LLN Assessment Tool - User Guide - User guide covering the VSL LLN Assessment.
Accessing Associated Documents
Note: System Users with an Enrolment Officer role don't have access to these associated documents. Please contact your System Administrator if you believe you have been assigned the incorrect System User Role.
- From the LLN Robot System Dashboard click the Resources button from the side-menu.
- A list of Associated Documents will be shown.
- Click on the desired document to download it.