Wisenet Integration

Step 1: Create an Assessment Submission Type

In your Wisenet System: Create an Assessment Submission Type.

  1. Navigate to your LRM profile.
  2. Go to Settings section then select the Dropdown Lists option (in the ‘Configuration’ category).
  3. Select the Assessment Submission Types option.
  4. Click the Add Assessment Type button.
  5. Enter a name: LLN Robot Assessment
  6. Set the Is Active toggle to YES
  7. Enter an External Reference: lln-robot
  8. Click the Save button. The created Assessment Types will now be listed.

Step 2: Create Custom Fields to add to the Assessment Versions

In your Wisenet System: Create Custom Fields to add to the Assessment Versions

  1. Navigate to your LRM profile.
  2. Go to Settings section then select the Custom Fields option (in the ‘Configuration’ category).
  3. Click the Add Custom Field button.
  4. In the Entity field, select Course Enrolment.
  5. In the Field Type, select Decimal.
  6. Enter a name and a description (see the table/s below for the values to be used).
  7. Set the Is Secure toggle to NO
  8. (Premium Wisenet customers) adjust the Is Visible toggle:
    1. Is Visible = ON: Custom Field will appear in the Custom Fields section.
    2. Is Visible = OFF: Custom Field will not appear in the Custom Fields section, but will still be visible in the data submission.
  9. Click Save.

For LLN quizzes:

This process will need to be completed 5 times, to link to the 5 areas of the ACSF that are assessed in the LLN quizzes included in the LLN Robot System. The names and descriptions to be used are listed below:

Name Description
LLN Robot: Learning LLN: Learning
LLN Robot: Reading LLN: Reading
LLN Robot: Writing LLN: Writing
LLN Robot: Oral Communication LLN: Oral Communication
LLN Robot: Numeracy LLN: Numeracy

For the Course Ready - Digital Readiness for Learning questionnaire

(paid add-on option in LLN Robot):

If you have the Course Ready option enabled on the LLN Robot System you will also need to complete this process 5 times, to link to the 5 areas assessed in the Course Ready questionnaire. The names and descriptions to be used are listed below:

Name Description
Course Ready: Communication CR: Communication
Course Ready: Content CR: Content
Course Ready: Digital CR: Digital
Course Ready: Protection CR: Protection
Course Ready: Technical CR: Technical

Step 3: Create Assessment Versions

In your Wisenet System: Create Assessment Versions

Note: This process will need to be repeated for each quiz type you want to connect to your Wisenet system. Please use the information in the table below when completing these steps.

LLN Robot Quiz Type Name External Reference
ACSF 3 Short Course Quiz Short Course LLN Quiz acsf3shortcourse
ACSF 3 (Full quiz) ACSF 3 LLN Quiz acsf3
ACSF 4 (Full quiz) ACSF 4 LLN Quiz acsf4
VET Student Loans (VSL) Quiz VSL LLN Quiz vfh
Course Ready - Digital Readiness for Learning Questionnaire Course Ready dlrq
  1. Navigate to your LRM profile.
  2. Go to to Settings section then select the Dropdown Lists option (in the ‘Configuration’ category).
  3. Select the Assessment Submission Versions option.
  4. Click Add Assessment Version.
  5. Enter a name. This will be the name of the quiz options (see the table above).
  6. In the Assessment Type field, select the Assessment Submission Type you created in Step 1: Create an Assessment Submission Type. This should be LLN Robot Assessment.
  7. In the Entity field, select Course Enrolment
  8. Set the Is Active toggle to YES
  9. Ensure the Are manual results allowed? toggle is set to NO
  10. Enter an External Reference (see the table above)
  11. Click Add Result Field
    1. Select the Custom Fields you created in Step 2: Create Custom Fields to add to the Assessment Versions.
      1. For ACSF 3 and ACSF 4 quiz: Complete this step 5 times to add the result field for each ACSF area: LLN: Learning; LLN: Reading; LLN: Writing; LLN: Oral Communication; LLN: Numeracy.
      2. For ACSF 3 Short Course Quiz: Complete this step 3 times to add the result field for each ACSF area. For the Short Course Quiz this is only: LLN: Reading; LLN: Writing; LLN: Numeracy.
      3. For VET Student Loans (VSL) Quiz: Complete this step 2 times. For the VSL Quiz this is only: LLN: Reading; LLN: Numeracy.
      4. For Course Ready - Digital Readiness for Learning Questionnaire: Complete this step 5 times to add the result field for each area: Course Ready: Communication; Course Ready: Content; Course Ready: Digital; Course Ready: Protection; Course Ready: Technical.
    2. Enter an External Reference for each result field. e.g., Learning; Reading; Writing; Oral Communication; Numeracy, ensuring that the references match each other. Please refer to the table/s below for the values to be used.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Add further Assessment Versions until you have completed this process for each quiz/questionnaire type you are connecting.

ACSF 3 and ACSF 4 quizzes

Result Field Name External Reference
LLN: Learning Learning
LLN: Reading Reading
LLN: Writing Writing
LLN: Oral Communication Oral Communication
LLN: Numeracy Numeracy

ACSF 3 Short Course Quiz

Result Field Name External Reference
LLN: Reading Reading
LLN: Writing Writing
LLN: Numeracy Numeracy

VET Student Loans (VSL) Quiz

Result Field Name External Reference
LLN: Reading Reading
LLN: Numeracy Numeracy

Course Ready - Digital Readiness for Learning Questionnaire

Result Field Name External Reference
Course Ready: Communication Communication
Course Ready: Content Content
Course Ready: Digital Digital
Course Ready: Protection Protection
Course Ready: Technical Technical

Step 4: Create a Webhook to connect the Wisenet system and configure to the LLN Robot System

  1. In LLN Robot, from the main menu select API & SMS Integrations then scroll to the Wisenet Integration section. Please note, this section of the system is only accessible by Administrator level users.
  2. Activate the Wisenet Integration in LLN Robot using the Enable API toggle.
  3. Click the CONNECT button, which will open the Wisenet website login screen.
  4. Login using your Wisenet credentials.
  5. A modal (pop-up window) will open. Use the dropdown to select the appropriate account.
  6. Click the Authorize button.
  7. Navigate back to the Wisenet Integration in LLN Robot and copy the Webhook URL.
  8. Login to your Wisenet system and open your LRM profile.
  9. Navigate to the Settings section then select the Connected Apps option (in the ‘Integration’ category).
  10. Click the Manage button under the Webhooks icon.
  11. Click the Add Webhook button and fill in the details in the popup module:
    1. Name: LLN Robot
    2. URL: this is Webhook URL that was copied in step 7
    3. API Key Field: not required
    4. Event trigger: select the AssessmentSubmissionData Created option from the dropdown list
  12. Click the Confirm button.

The LLN Robot integration will now appear in the webhooks list.

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