aXcelerate Integration Setup

This integration allows you to access the functionality and reporting of LLN Robot directly from your aXcelerate system when you enrol a learner into a course.

Enrolling a learner in a course within aXcelerate and selecting the LLN Quiz Required checkbox will create the learner in LLN Robot and send them an email asking them to complete the LLN Quiz you have selected for them.
Once they complete the quiz, LLN Robot will upload the results as a pdf to the learner's portfolio in aXcelerate, and if the course exists in both systems, generate an LLN Report pdf and attach it to the student record (in their aXcelerate learner portfolio) as well.
The systems will sync every hour by default.

Please note: 

  1. Users must enable the API in LLN Robot to activate the integration
  2. Ensure that there are no custom fields added to the learner form which are marked as required

aXcelerate Setup

Contact Record – Custom Fields

Two custom fields are required which is accessed via Settings – Custom Fields in aXcelerate.

The fields must be set up as shown below, other than the Field Label below which can be customised. Note that the fields are displayed alphabetically on the screen, so we have used numbers are the start of the labels to control that ordering.

The values for quiz level must be acsf3, acsf3shortcourse and acsf4 – however you only need to include the options that your organisation requires. For example, if it’s never a requirement for your students to complete an acsf4 assessment you could leave that option out.

NOTE: If you have the Course Ready - Digital Readiness for Learning Questionnaire option active in your system this quiz level value is dlrq.

Once these fields have been defined, they will be visible on the contact records in the Custom Fields section as shown.

Portfolio Type

When documents are transferred from LLN Robot back to aXcelerate a Portfolio Type is required, as such a Portfolio Type with description LLN Report is required. This must be set up as shown below.

This action is completed by navigating to Settings, then Contact Portfolio Types and selecting Add New Portfolio Type.

If the Portfolio Type does not exist, the LLN Reports will not be transferred back to aXcelerate after the learner completes the quiz.

Class Record – Custom Field

For LLN Robot integration to generate a Learner Report for courses that the learner is enrolled in, a custom field on the Classes object type is require. Create this custom field via the Settings menu, then Custom Fields (as per the custom fields process for the contact record).

The option will then be visible on the Class screen (Courses tab then Accredited Training: Classes) when editing or creating a new class.

PLEASE NOTE: for these learner reports to be generated, Courses must be defined in LLN Robot.

The Qualification Code and Name fields of the qualification associated with class will be used to match a Course defined in LLN Robot

In LLN Robot there is only a single Course Title field on the record. The Code and Name will be used to try and find a matching Course Title in LLN Robot system using the following comparisons.

• {Code}-{Name}

• {Code} - {Name}

• {Code} {Name}

• {Code}

• {Name}

In the case of the qualifications shown in the graphic above, it would find the highlighted course in LLN Robot shown in the graphic below.

LLN Robot Configuration

Integration Settings

To enable aXcelerate integration, access the LLN Robot system and go to the SMS Integrations menu item in Settings.

Toggle the Enable aXcelerate Integration option to turn the integration on/off.

Web Service Token and API Token can be found in your aXcelerate deployment under Settings – System Settings and then the Web & Other Integrations tab

Scroll down to the Web Service API Token section and click Show on the two tokens to see their values. If you have multiple tokens, ensure that you choose the API Token which has a green tick.

Enter the other fields on this screen.

aXcelerate URL - this is the base URL you use to access your aXcelerate deployment, e.g.

Frequency - how often should the sync process run (minimum of every 1 hour).

Generate Course Reports - toggle on if required.

Synchronisation Process

Learners in aXcelerate will be transferred to LLN Robot once the Required LLN Quiz checkbox has been selected.

NOTE: each student will only ever be created in LLN Robot once.

Once the learner has completed their quiz in LLN Robot, their Summary Report will be generated and attached to their student record in the Other section of their Portfolio. The PDF file can be downloaded / viewed from the portfolio item screen.

If the Generate Course Reports flag has been turned on and the Student has been enrolled in a class for which a matching course was found in LLN Robot, then the course report will also be generated for those courses. For example:

PLEASE NOTE: currently the integration will only generate course reports where the learner has completed the quiz within the past 30 days. If a student is enrolled in a course more than 30 days after they complete the quiz in LLN Robot the learner report will not be added to the student’s portfolio.

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