
The Analytics section of the LLN Robot System displays system usage data in a graphical manner. These graphs and charts give you a quick overview of how the LLN Robot System is being used.

Note: This section of LLN Robot System is only available to users who have an Administrator role in the system.

View the Analytics

Access the Analytics section of the LLN Robot System by clicking the Analytics option in the side menu.

Generate a PDF of the Analytics

If you want to create a PDF report from the currently selected date range click the Export Analytics Report button.

Filter/Search by Date

Data within the analytics can be filtered by date range. The system will automatically set the date range to the last 12 months when the analytics page is entered.

To show data for the entire range click the 'X' next to the date range.

To see data for a specific date range, adjust the dates using the pop-out calendars.

What do the analytics mean?

Quizzes Completed

This shows the number of quizzes that have been completed within the specified date range.

Average Quiz Time

This shows the average completion time for the Quiz within the specified date range. Note this includes all quizzes (both ACSF 3 and ACSF 4).

Courses Created

This shows the number of courses that were created within the specified date range.

Units Analysed

This shows the number of units that were analysed within the specified date range.

LLN Reports Generated

This shows the number of LLN Reports that were generated within the specified date range.

Learners at or Above ACSF Level 3

This shows the number of learners that have completed the Online LLN Quiz and had results at or above ACSF Level 3 within the specified date range.

Quizzes Completed Each Month

This shows how many tests were completed per month within the specified date range.

Quiz Used

This pie chart gives a comparison between the level of the quiz that has been used within the specified date range. Standard is the online LLN Quiz that assesses up to ACSF level 3. Advanced is the online LLN Quiz that assesses up to ACSF level 4.

Staff Logins

This chart shows the amount of unique logins that have taken place within the specified date range broken down by user role.

LLN Reports Generated Each Month

This chart shows how many Reports/Analyses were generated per month within the specified date range.

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