Search and Filter Learner Results Table Data
You can filter the results in the Learner Results Table in several ways:
Search for a specific learner
You can use the Search bar at the top of the table to search for a specific learner.
Use the search bar to search for a specific phrase
You could search for Course 1 by enclosing it in double quotes in the search bar:
Please note: For this search function to work the information needs to be included in the learners' information card.
Single Word vs Phrase Search
The video below shows the difference between a single word search and a phrase search:
Search for learners within a specific date range
Sort learners by the date they completed the online LLN Quiz
You can click the header of the Date/Time (AEST) column to sort learners by the date and time they completed the online LLN Quiz.
Sort learners in alphabetical order by their name
You can click the header of the Name column to sort learners in alphabetical order based on the last name. This can be toggled to sort from a-z or z-a.
Sort learners in alphabetical order by their email address
You can click the header of the Email column to sort learners in alphabetical order. This can be toggled to sort from a-z or z-a.