Learner Deletion and Recovery Function

This feature will be available from 1st of August 2023.

For Administration Users the LLN Robot System will allow you to reinstate learners who have been deleted within the last 30 days.

These deleted learners can be found in the Recently Deleted folder under the Archived Results Option.

This will take you to the recently deleted folder from where learners can be reinstated.

You can restore the learners to the Results Page immediately by clicking on the Restore Button on the right.

Administrators can set up a notification for when a Learner Record is deleted under Manage System Settings:

Simply toggle the 'Recieve notification when learner deleted' switch and add the appropriate email address in the 'Deleted quiz email contact' field.

A notification will be sent by email when a learner record is deleted and you will have 30 days to restore that learner prior to them being deleted and irrecoverable.

This will be the only notification.

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