Learner Form Settings

The Learner Information Form is shown to all learners before they start an Online LLN Quiz. 

The information that is filled out in this form is collected and displayed within the Learner Results Table and Learner Card.

Note: This section of LLN Robot System is only available to users who have an Administrator role in the system.

View the Manage Learner Form Section

Access the Manage Learner Form section of the LLN Robot System by clicking the  Manage Learner Form option in the side menu.

Edit a Field

To edit a field in the Learner Information Form:

1. Click the Edit button beside the form field you wish to edit.

2. This will open an Edit Field modal. From this modal you can:

  • Delete the field.
  • Change the Field Label.
  • Toggle whether this field should be mandatory or not.
  • Add or remove items from a drop-down menu field.

3. Click the Save button to save your changes. Click the X to discard your changes.

Reordering Fields

You are able to change the order that fields are displayed to a Learner by clicking the Move Up or Move Down buttons beside each field.

Adding a new Field

To add a new field to the Learner Information Form:

1. Click the Add Field button.

2. This will open an Add Field  modal . From this  modal  you can:

  • Add a Field Label.
  • Toggle whether this field should be mandatory or not.
  • Add or remove items from a drop-down menu field.

3. Click the Save button to save your changes. Click the X to discard your changes.

Types of Learner Form Inputs

There are three Field Types that you can add to the Learner Form:

  • Text Field.
  • Dropdown Menu.
  • Checkbox.

Each of these fields have slight differences. These are covered below.

Text Field

When adding or editing a Text Field you have the ability to:

  • Edit the Field Label.
  • Make it a Mandatory Field. 

A Text Field displays to the learner in the following way:

Note: The 'next' button is greyed out and disabled in this example until the field has been completed (some text entered). This is because this field was set as a mandatory field in the Learner Form Settings page.

Dropdown Menu Field

When adding or editing a Dropdown Menu Field you have the ability to:

  • Edit the Field Label.
  • Make it a Mandatory Field. 
  • Add, Remove or Edit the Field Options. Note: Each new option in the Dropdown menu needs to be added on a new line.

A Dropdown Menu Field displays to the learner in the following way:

When the learner clicks the dropdown menu to select an option this is what it looks like: 

Note: The 'next' button is  greyed  out and disabled in this example until the field has been completed (an option selected). This is because this field was set as a mandatory field in the Learner Form Settings page.

Checkbox Field

When adding or editing a Checkbox Field you have the ability to:

  • Edit the Field Label.
  • Make it a Mandatory Field. Note: If you make a Checkbox mandatory then the learner will be required to check it before proceeding with the Online Quiz.

A Checkbox Field displays to the learner in the following way:

Note: The 'next' button is  greyed  out and disabled in this example until the field has been completed (the box is checked). This is because this field was set as a mandatory field in the Learner Form Settings page.

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