Training Supplements

Upon completion of the Online LLN Quiz, a learner profile is generated based on the learner's results. This learner profile can then be compared to the profile of the course of study (Course Profile), generating a support program designed for each individual learner to meet their specific needs. 

The LLN Report (formerly known as a Skills Gap Analysis) is the PDF report that shows the discrepancies (if any) between a learner's current profile and the Course Profile. 

In addition to this detailed LLN Report, a customized training support program is generated (if required) to outline the mechanisms that can be used to support the learner’s development. This training support program may include a series of self-paced activities in the form of training supplements to be completed in conjunction with, or prior to the formal training program. For more information on how to generate an LLN Report go here.

These self-paced activities are referred to as Training Supplements throughout the LLN Robot System.

Training Supplements that are generated

The LLN Robot System generates Training Supplements for the following Core Skill discrepancies:

Core Skill Current Skill Level Course Skill Requirement
Learning 1 2
Numeracy 1 2
Numeracy 2 3
Reading & Writing 1 2
Reading & Writing 2 3

Training Supplements are not available for the following Core Skill progressions:

  • Progression from level 0 - 1 for any Core Skill.
  • Progression from level 3 - 4 or 4 - 5 for any Core Skill.
  • Oral Communication - All levels.
  • Learning from level 2 - 3.

The reason these supplements are not available are as follows:

Progression from level 0 - 1 for any Core Skill - Guiding a learner from Pre-Level One (level 0) to Level One requires a specialised educator and cannot be managed by a learner in a self-paced environment as their skills are either limited or non existent in this area.

Progression from level 3 - 4 or 4 - 5 for any Core Skill - Level 3 - 4 and 4 - 5 are much more complex skills and are not intended to be managed in a self-paced learning supplement. As can be seen in the ACSF Performance Variables Grid (pictured below) Level 4 and beyond require the learner to progress by working independently or in an autonomous fashion and to derive information from a range of contexts and established resources (not a single training supplement).

Oral Communication - All levels - Oral communication skills cannot be taught effectively from a text based document so supplements are not appropriate for this skill.

Learning from level 2 - 3 - Once a learner is moving from Level 2 to Level 3 in the Learning skill the information needs to be highly contextualised in relation to the new job skills they will be engaging in. There isn't a practical, generic set of skills that can be delivered via a supplement in an effective fashion.

Training Recommendations

The LLN Robot System provides Training Recommendations for all Core Skill discrepancies of a learner. Whilst some of these training recommendations refer to the above Training Supplements there are Core Skill progressions that don't have Training Supplements available. 

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